Dealing With Anxiety
Anxiety, panic, and stress reactions develop when persistent problems remain unresolved. These troublesome and often painful feelings are almost impossible to avoid in modern life with its unending demands, pressures, and disappointments. With Orange Counseling in Newburgh, NY, you can talk to licensed professionals who can help.
It is natural to experience fear and anxiety under certain circumstances. Who hasn’t been nervous when a loved one hasn’t contacted us when expected or before a crucial test? Who isn’t nervous before a major presentation before a large audience or facing a meeting with your boss when you don’t know what to expect?
Anxiety becomes a problem when it is persistent and overly intense. At times, we may not even be aware of the cause of anxiety as when a person experiences a sudden panic attack when all seems well. At other times, we may be aware of the cause but can’t shut off our mind, and we wind up continuously ruminating about the problem unendingly. These ruminations interrupt our well-being in many ways. They keep us from enjoying ourselves, relating normally to others, relaxing, and sleeping well. Those who have experienced severe, unremitting anxiety know just how painful and disruptive this condition can be.
How Can Counseling Help?
We have a multi-faceted approach to helping people with symptoms of panic and chronic anxiety. The first step is always to understand in detail the underlying issues and concerns generating the anxiety. Are they concrete circumstances or doubts about self-worth? Oftentimes, an exploration of these issues provides relief and points to a course of action that will ameliorate the problem. Additionally, it is often useful to engage in cognitive-behavioral or meta-cognitive strategies to help people identify the thinking that is maintaining anxiety.
Our counselors will help you sort out your issues and work with you to find and implement the strategies most likely to help you.
If you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment, please call or email us.